目前分類:Ubuntu 12.04 (2)

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The way to solve that ubuntu 13.10 cannot connect to A2DP BT devices...
bluez version: bluez [bluez (4.101-0ubuntu8b1)
pulseaudio version: 4.0

In /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf:
// add Enable=Source which located on the top of audio.conf

// modify the value of HFP from true to false

// uncomment the following three lines which located
// in the bottom of audio.conf

If it's still not working, try below...
// Test by:
pactl list | grep -i module-bluetooth-discover

// If it's empty, load via below command
pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover

Pulse audio will then (hopefully) recognize the device

Reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1199059

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 sudo apt-get install scim

sudo apt-get install scim-tables-zh

download Liu.bin from here

sudo cp /Downloads/Liu.bin /usr/share/scim/tables/Liu.bin

re-login or re-start computer

Ctrl+Space to invoke scim input method


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